🎭 Elena Pankratova as Elektra and Camilla Nylund as Chrysothemis will star in Kirsten Harms' production of Richard Strauss' masterpiece »Elektra« at the Deutsche Oper Berlin! Performances will run from March 22 to April 1, 2025.
Toi Toi Toi! ✨
@elena_pankratova_soprano @camilla.nylund.saris @deutscheoperberlin 
#ElenaPankratova #CamillaNylund #Elektra #RichardStrauss #DeutscheOperBerlin #Opera #ClassicalMusic #OperaPerformance #Opera2025 #KirstenHarms #StraussOpera #MusicDebut #OperaLovers #ToiToiToi #BerlinEvents #LivePerformance #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Vitaly Zapryagaev (Pankratova), Shirley Suarez Photography (Nylund)
🎶 Christel Loetzsch will make her Opéra national de Paris debut as Giovane Dante in Pascal Dusapin's opera »Il Viaggio, Dante«! 
🎭  The production, directed by Claus Guth and conducted by Kent Nagano, opens on March 21 at the Palais Garnier, with performances running through April 6, 2025. 
Toi Toi Toi, dear Christel! 🍀🤞 
@christelloetzsch_mezzo @operadeparis 
#ChristelLoetszch #OperaDeParis #GiovaneDante #IlViaggioDante #PascalDusapin #ClausGuth #KentNagano #Garnier #PalaisGarnier #OperaPerformance #Opera2025 #DanteOpera #ClassicalMusic #OperaSinger #ParisEvents #OperaLovers #MusicDebut #ToiToiToi  #OperaPremiere #operaseason 
📸 Guido Werner
🎭 Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi in Trieste presents Wagner's »Der fliegende Holländer«, with James Rutherford in the title role and Albert Dohmen as Daland! 🔜 The opening night is on March 21, 2025, with additional performances on March 23, 28, and 30.
Toi Toi Toi! ✨
@james.rutherford.baritone #Wagner #DerFliegendeHolländer #Opera #Trieste #JamesRutherford #AlbertDohmen #TeatroLiricoGiuseppeVerdi #ClassicalMusic #OperaLovers #LivePerformance #OperaSeason #MusicInspiration #ToiToiToi 
📸 Werner Kmetitisch (Rutherford), Renato Zacchia (Dohmen)
✨ On March 20 & 21, Rasmus Baumann will conduct the Crossover-Ensemble "Uwaga!" and the Nürnberger Symphoniker at the Musiksaal of the Kongresshalle in Nürnberg, performing works from Mozart to Beethoven, as well as the Beatles and Michael Jackson! 🎻🎸
🎼 Next, he will lead the Philharmonisches Orchester Würzburg in Alban Berg's "Wozzeck" at Theaterfabrik Blaue Halle (April 3, 5 & 27). Before that, don't miss him conducting Dvořák and Bruckner at the Hochschule für Musik on March 30, 2025 for the "4. Sinfoniekonzert"! 🎶🎺
Toi Toi Toi! ✨
@baumannrasmus @nuernbergersymphoniker @wurzburgerphilharmoniker 
#RasmusBaumann #CrossoverEnsemble #Nürnberg #Wozzeck #Dvořák #Bruckner #PhilharmonischesOrchesterWürzburg #SymphonicMusic #ClassicalConcerts #LiveMusic #Orchestra #Mozart #Beethoven #MusicLovers #MusicInspiration #Performance #ConcertLife #MusicalJourney #ArtisticExpression #Conductor #CulturalEvents
📸 Marcel Kusch
🎶🎉 Evelin Novak will celebrate her role debut as Jenůfa, alongside Dovlet Nurgeldiyev as Števa, in Robert Carsen's production of Leoš Janáček's masterpiece at the Teatro Nacional de São Carlos in Lisbon! 🎭
✨ Toi Toi Toi for your opening night on March 21! 🙌
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Evelin-Novak/ 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Dovlet-Nurgeldiyev/
@evelinnovak @dovletino @saocarlos1793 
#Opera #Jenufa #LeosJanacek #Debut #TeatroNacionalDeSãoCarlos #Lisbon #ToiToiToi #OperaLife #ClassicalMusic #RoleDebut #OperaStars #MusicLovers #TheaterProduction #PerformingArts #LivePerformance #CulturalEvent #LisbonOpera #JanacekMasterpiece #OperaFans #TheaterLovers #OnStage
📸 Miroslava Hranjec (Novak), Henriette Mielke (Nurgeldiyev)
🎭✨ Okka von der Damerau returns to the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona as Ortrud in today’s performance of Katharina Wagner's new production of »Lohengrin«, joining Elisabeth Teige and Klaus Florian Vogt on stage. 🎶🌟
Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Okka-von-der-Damerau/ 
#Lohengrin #GrandTheatreLiceu #BarcelonaOpera #KatharinaWagner #OkkaVonDerDamerau #ElisabethTeige #KlausFlorianVogt #Opera #Ortrud #OperaStars #TheaterLife #ToiToiToi #OperaLovers #MusicalTheater #OnStage #Performance #OperaProduction #InternationalOpera #ClassicalMusic #TheaterCommunity #LivePerformance #OperaWorld #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Simon Pauly
🎭✨ Teatro San Carlo presents Manfred Schweigkofler’s production of Salome, under the musical direction of Maestro Dan Ettinger. Starring Ricarda Merbeth in the title role, Lioba Braun as Herodias, Stepanka Pucalkova as her Page, Charles Workman as Herodes, and Brian Mulligan as Jochanaan!
The opening night is on March 20, with performances running through March 29, 2025.
Wishing the entire cast and crew all the best – Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
#Salome #TeatroSanCarlo #Opera #RicardaMerbeth #LiobaBraun #StepankaPucalkova #CharlesWorkman #BrianMulligan #ToiToiToi #ManfredSchweigkofler #DanEttinger #OperaProduction #ItalianOpera #OpeningNight #OperaStars #Jochanaan #Herodias #OperaLovers #TheaterLife
📸  Mirko Joerg Kellner (Merbeth), Andreas Tobias (Braun), JK Jitka Kudláčková (Pucalkova), Dario Acosta (Mulligan), Franz-Markus Siegert (Workman), Michael Pavia (Ettinger)
🎭✨ Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona presents Katherina Wagner's new production of »Lohengrin«, starring Klaus Florian Vogt in the title role and Elisabeth Teige making her house debut as Elsa! 🎶
🔜 The opening night is on March 17, 2025, with performances running through March 30. 🎟️ Don’t miss it! 
Toi toi toi to the whole cast! 🍀
@elisabeth_teige @liceu_opera_barcelona
#Lohengrin #KatherinaWagner #GranTeatreDelLiceu #Barcelona #Opera #Wagner #KlausFlorianVogt #ElisabethTeige #OperaLovers #Performance #OperaPremiere #ClassicalMusic #OperaSeason #OnStage #ToiToiToi #MusicLovers #TheaterLife #LivePerformance #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Simon Pauly (Teige), Harald Hoffmann (Vogt)
🎭✨ Tommi Hakala will celebrate his role debut as Scarpia in Puccini's »Tosca« at the Opéra de Limoges on March 16, 18, and 20, 2025, and at the Opéra de Vichy on March 28 and 30, 2025! 🎶
In bocca al lupo, dear Tommi! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Tommi-Hakala/ 
@operalimoges @amisoperadevichy 
#Tosca #Puccini #Opera #TommiHakala #Scarpia #RoleDebut #OpéraDeLimoges #OpéraDeVichy #OperaLovers #Performance #LiveMusic #OperaSeason #ClassicalMusic #InBoccaAlLupo #OperaStar #TheaterLife #OperaHouse #OnStage #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Timo Mokkila
🌟 Robert Watson makes his highly anticipated debut as Parsifal in Roland Schwab's new production at the Aalto Musiktheater Essen! 🎉 Don’t miss the premiere on March 16, 2025, with performances running through June 2025.
Toi Toi Toi, dear Robert! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Robert-Watson/ 
@rwatsontenor @aalto_musiktheater_essen 
#RobertWarsont #Parsifal #OperaDebut #AaltoTheaterEssen #RoleDebut #OperaPremiere #ToiToiToi #ExcitingTimes #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #Wagner #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Simon Pauly
🎭✨ Sinéad Campbell Wallace stars as Tosca in a new production of Puccini's timeless masterpiece at the Staatstheater Wiesbaden! The premiere is on March 15, 2025, with performances running through April 27 and two additional shows in June 2025. 
Toi Toi Toi, dear Sinéad! 🌟 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Sinead-Campbell-Wallace / 
@scampbellwallace  @staatstheater.wiesbaden 
#Tosca #SinéadCampbellWallace #Puccini #Opera #HessischesStaatstheater #Wiesbaden #OperaPremiere #ToiToiToi #ClassicalMusic #OperaSinger #TheaterLife #PucciniOpera #ArtisticJourney #OperaLovers #LivePerformance #NewProduction #TheatrePremiere #Soprano #CulturalEvents #OperaHouse #MusicalTheatre #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Marshall Light Studio
🎭✨ The Danish Royal Opera in Copenhagen presents Wagner's »Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg« in Laurent Pelly's production, starring Magnus Vigilius as Walther von Stolzing and Jens-Erik Aasbø as Veit Pogner! 
🔜 Opening night is on March 16, 2025 with performances through April 27. 
Toi toi toi to the cast and crew! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Magnus-Vigilius/ 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Jens-Erik-Aasbo/ 
@magnusvigilius @jenserikaasbo @kglteater 
Det Kongelige Teater #Opera #DieMeistersinger #Copenhagen #RoyalOpera #Wagner #ToiToiToi #OperaLovers #TheaterLife #ClassicalMusic #MusicLovers #Wagnerian #CulturalEvent #StageProduction #LivePerformance #DanishOpera #OperaSeason #MusicTheater #PerformanceArt #OnStage #OperaHouse #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Lena Paaske (Vigilius), Julio M. Salas (Aasbø)
Hulkar Sabirova will perform as Donna Leonora in a new production of Verdi's »La forza del destino« at the Opéra de Lyon, marking her house debut! 🎭 Directed by Ersan Mondtag and conducted by Daniele Rustoni, the premiere will take place on March 14, 2025, with performances running through April 2, 2025. 🎶 
🌟 In bocca al lupo, dear Hulkar! 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Hulkar-Sabirova/ 
@hulkar.sabirova.sopran @operadelyon 
#OperaDeLyon #HulkarSabirova #LaForzaDelDestino #OperaDebut #ToiToiToi #Verdi #DonnaLeonora #OperaLife #ClassicalMusic #OperaWorld #Premiere #TheaterMagic #VerdiOpera #LyonOpera #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Bettina Stoess
🎭✨ Vitalij Kowaljow will be taking the stage as Il Grande Inquisitore in Kirill Serebrennikov's powerful production of »Don Carlo« by Giuseppe Verdi at the Wiener Staatsoper under the baton of Philippe Jordan.
Don't miss the performances on March 13, 16, 20 & 23, 2025! 🎶
🌟 In bocca al lupo!
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Vitalij-Kowaljow/ 
#WienerStaatsoper #VitalijKowaljow #DonCarlo #GrandInquisitor #Verdi #OperaPerformance #KirillSerebrennikov #PhilippeJordan #OperaDebut #ClassicalMusic #VerdiOpera #ViennaOpera #OperaLovers #OperaMagic #Theater #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 @greycat.ph
🎭 Sir Simon Keenlyside takes on the title role of »Wozzeck« by Alban Berg with the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Sebastian Weigle, in concerts on March 12 & 15, 2025 at the iconic Suntory Hall in Tokyo. 🎶 Toi Toi Toi! 👏
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Simon-Keenlyside/ 
#Wozzeck #AlbanBerg #SimonKeenlyside #SebastianWeigle #YomiuriNipponSymphonyOrchestra #Concerts #ClassicalMusic #Opera #MusicLovers #LiveMusic #Orchestra #Conductor #ClassicalPerformance #OperaLovers #MusicEvent #Berg #ClassicalConcert #MusicInspiration #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Robert Workman
🎭 Jinxu Xiahou can be heard as Duke of Mantua in Giuseppe Verdi’s »Rigoletto«, alongside the legendary Leo Nucci in the title role and with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra on March 9 and 11, 2025 at the Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall! 🎶
In bocca al lupo! 🌟
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Jinxu-Xiahou/ 
@jinxu_xiahou @shanghaisymphonyorchestra 
#JinxuXiahou #LeoNucci #Rigoletto #ShanghaiSymphonyOrchestra #JaguarShanghaiSymphonyHall #Opera #ClassicalMusic #OperaPerformance #MusicLovers #ItalianOpera #InBoccaAlLupo #LiveMusic #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Johannes Ifkovits
🌟 Catherine Foster returns to the Kulturpalast in Dresden to perform the role of Isolde in the second act of Wagner's masterpiece »Tristan und Isolde«, with the Dresdner Philharmonie under the baton of John Fiore! 🎶 The performances will take place on March 9 and 15, 2025. ✨
These are concerts not to be missed! Toi Toi Toi, dear Catherine! 🌟
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Catherine-Foster/ 
@catherineannfoster @dresdnerphilharmonie 
#CatherineFoster #Isolde #TristanUndIsolde #DresdenPhilharmonie #KulturpalastDresden #JohnFiore #Opera #ToiToiToi #Wagner #ClassicalMusic #Soprano #OperaSinger #MusicLovers #Concerts #WagnerianVoice #Dresden #OperaticPerformance #LiveMusic #CulturalEvents #OperaLife #MusicalMasterpiece #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Uwe Arens
🎭 Seth Carico will take on the title role in Mozart’s »Don Giovanni« at the Oper Köln! 🎶 The premiere of Cecilia Ligorio's new production at will take place on March 9, with performances running through April 6, 2025. ✨
Toi Toi Toi, Seth! 👏
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Seth-Carico/ 
@mephysto42 @dieoperkoeln 
#SethCarico #DonGiovanni #Mozart #Opera #OperKoeln #CeciliaLigorio #OperaSinger #ClassicalMusic #RoleDebut #TheatreLife #musiclovers #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Simon Pauly
🌟 Krassimira Stoyanova will perform Richard Strauss' "Vier letzte Lieder" tonight with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria under the baton of Karel Mark Chichon at the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus in Las Palmas! 🎶
Toi Toi Toi! ✨
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Krassimira-Stoyanova/ 
@ofgrancanaria #KrassimiraStoyanova #RichardStrauss #VierLetzteLieder #Concert #Opera #Soprano #OrquestaFilarmonicaDeGranCanaria #KarelMarkChichon #LasPalmas #ClassicalMusic #ToiToiToi #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Brescia e Amisano
Nicolas Testè returns to The Metropolitan Opera in the role of Colline in Franco Zeffirelli's legendary production of "La bohème"! 🎭 
The performances run from March 5 through March 21, 2025. Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Nicolas-Teste/ 
#NicolasTeste #LaBoheme #MetropolitanOpera #FrancoZeffirelli #Opera #ClassicalMusic #OperaLovers #StagePerformance #OperaLife #ToiToiToi #NewYorkEvents #OpeningNight #Puccini #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Jiyang Chen
⭐ Bernard Richter takes on the role of Pelléas in tonight's performance of Debussy's "Pelléas et Mélisande" at the Opéra national de Paris! 🎭 🎶
Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
@richtertenorofficiel @operadeparis 
#BernardRichter #PelleasEtMelisande #OpéraNationalDeParis #Debussy #Opera #ClassicalMusic #Theatre #OperaLovers #OpeningNight #ToiToiToi #FrenchOpera #StagePerformance #OperaLife #Hilbert #HilbertArtists 
📸 David Marchon, MaVu
🎶 Martin Gantner will be performing as Graf Danilo Danilowitsch in Barrie Kosky's production of "Die lustige Witwe" by Franz Lehár at the Opernhaus Zürich. 
🎭 The opening is on March 4, with performances running through March 26, 2025. Toi Toi Toi, dear Martin! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Martin-Gantner/ 
@martin_gantner @operzuerich 
#OpernhausZürich #DieLustigeWitwe #MartinGantner #FranzLehár #Opera #ZurichEvents #Theatre #OperaLife #BarrieKosky #StagePerformance #ZurichOpera #ClassicalMusic #OpeningNight #ToiToiToi 
📸 Tom Jansy
✨ Camilla Nylund will perform Richard Strauss' "Vier letzte Lieder" with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Mark Elder, at the Grieghallen in Bergen on March 3rd, as well as on tour in Salzburg at the Großes Festspielhaus on March 5, 6, and 7, 2025. 🎶
Toi Toi Toi! 🌟
@camilla.nylund.saris @bergenfilharmoniske 
#CamillaNylund #MarkElder #BergenPhilharmonic #VierLetzteLieder #RichardStrauss #Bergen #Salzburg #ClassicalMusic #Opera #Strauss #MusicLovers #Symphony #Orchestra #Concert #ToiToiToi #MusicInspiration #MusicTour #Artistry #Performance #CulturalEvent 
📸 Shirley Suarez Photography
🎭✨ The Metropolitan Opera presents Jürgen Flimm’s acclaimed production of "Fidelio", featuring Tomasz Konieczny as Don Pizarro! 🔥🎶
📅 Performance run: March 4 – March 15, 2025.
Toi toi toi, dear Tomasz! 🍀👏
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Tomasz-Konieczny/ 
@tomasz.konieczny @metopera 
#MetOpera #Fidelio #TomaszKonieczny #Opera #Beethoven #DonPizarro #Operalife #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #OperaSinger #MusicIsLife #StageMagic #OperaticExcellence #LiveMusic #OperaPerformance #NYCArts 
📸 Karpati-Zarewicz
⭐ Sophie Koch returns to the Opéra national de Paris  as Geneviève in a new production of Debussy’s "Pelléas et Mélisande", directed by Wajdi Mouawad and musical direction of Antonello Manacorda!
🎭✨ Don't miss the opening night on February 28, 2025, with performances running through March 27, 2025.
Toi toi toi! 🎶👏
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Sophie-Koch/ 
#SophieKoch #OperaDeParis #PelléasEtMélisande #Premiere #Debussy #Opera #ClassicalMusic #FrenchOpera #ParisCulture #AntonelloManacorda #WajdiMouawad #MusicLovers #OperaSinger #Theatre #StagePerformance #OperaHouse #Musique #Art #LivePerformance #Orchestra #LyricOpera #ParisArts #OperaLife #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Vincent Pontet
✨🎶 Maestro Lorenzo Viotti leads the Filarmonica della Scala on a thrilling concert tour featuring an exciting program:
▫ Antonín Dvořák – Cello Concerto in B minor, with Gautier Capuçon as the soloist 
▫ Luciano Berio – Four original versions of Ritirata notturna di Madrid by L. Boccherini
▫ Sergei Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet, Suite
📍 Tour Dates:
▫  February 24 – Milan, Teatro alla Scala, 20:00
▫  February 25 – Vienna, Konzerthaus, 19:30
▫  February 26 – Budapest, Bartók National Concert Hall, 19:30
▫  February 28 – Luxembourg, Philharmonie, 19:30
▫  March 1 – Paris, Philharmonie, 20:00
▫  March 3 – Zaragoza, Auditorio, 19:30
▫  March 4 – Madrid, Auditorio Nacional de Música, 19:30
Toi Toi Toi! 🎶✨
#LorenzoViotti #FilarmonicaDellaScala #GautierCapuçon #ClassicalMusic #ConcertTour #LiveMusic #Orchestra #Dvořák #Prokofiev #LucianoBerio #CelloConcerto #MusicLovers #TeatroAllaScala #PhilharmonieDeParis #AuditorioNacional #BudapestMusic #ViennaKonzerthaus #MadridConcerts #ParisMusic #LuxembourgPhilharmonie #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸  Jan Willem Kaldenbach
🎉 Congratulations to Klaus Florian Vogt on being awarded Best Male Singer by the OPER! AWARDS 2025 (Oper Magazin) 🌟
"He is the brightest and most radiant Wagner tenor of all time. His Wagner heroes come across as leaner, in a sense sportier, yet he is far from just a daredevil. After many years as the 'eternal' Lohengrin, he has masterfully taken on roles like Parsifal, Stolzing, Tannhäuser, Siegmund, and Tristan, most recently performing Siegfried in the final two parts of 'Der Ring des Nibelungen.' He debuted these roles at the Zurich Opera and brought them to the Bayreuth Festival last year. Klaus Florian Vogt proves that there is always something new in the Wagner universe, even after all these years."
👏 We are proud to work with such a great artist like you, dear Klaus!
The ceremony took place on February 21, 2025, at the La Monnaie De Munt in Brussels.
#KlausFlorianVogt #OPERAWARDS #BestMaleSinger #WagnerTenor #OperaLegend #Wagner #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #HilbertArtistsManadement 
📸 Marin Driguez
✨ We are thrilled to welcome George Gagnidze to our roster for General Management! 🎭🎶
Hailed by The New York Times for his „expressive, resonant baritone,“ „insightful phrasing,“ and „confident, imposing presence,“ George is celebrated as one of the leading baritones of his generation.
Since his sensational debut at the Metropolitan Opera as Rigoletto in 2008/09, he has captivated audiences worldwide, performing nearly 150 times on this legendary stage in roles such as Nabucco, Macbeth, Amonasro, Scarpia, and more.
His 2024/25 season is filled with exciting engagements, including performances at The Metropolitan Opera, Staatsoper Hamburg, Opéra National de Paris, Teatro Massimo Bellini, Washington Concert Opera, and Oper im Steinbruch Festival as The Dutchman.
🔜 Tomorrow, February 22nd, George stars as Macbeth in a new production by Matthew Wild at the Hungarian State Opera!
Wishing you a big Toi Toi Toi for the premiere and your house debut, George! We can’t wait for this exciting journey together. 🎭✨
ℹ️ More info about the artist: www.hilbert.de/en/George-Gagnidze/ 
#GeorgeGagnidze #OperaStar #Macbeth #Verdi #Baritone #Opera #OperaticLegend #ClassicalMusic #OperaSinger #MetOpera #HungarianStateOpera #OperaLover #Rigoletto #Scarpia #TheFlyingDutchman #Aida #CavalleriaRusticana #Pagliacci #LuisaMiller #TeatroMassimoBellini #WashingtonConcertOpera #OperImSteinbruch #OpéraDeParis #StaatsoperHamburg #VerdiOpera #Management #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #HilbertArtistsManagement
📸 Dario Acosta
✨ Sir Simon Keenlyside will perform selections from Gustav Mahler's "Lieder und Gesänge" and "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Gustavo Duhamel! 🎶
The concerts will take place on February 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2025 at the iconic Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. 🏛️🎻
Toi Toi Toi, dear Simon! 🍀👏
#SimonKeenlyside #GustavMahler #LosAngelesPhilharmonic #GustavoDudamel #Mahler #LiederUndGesänge #DesKnabenWunderhorn #WaltDisneyConcertHall #LosAngeles #Opera #ClassicalMusic #concertseries #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #HilbertArtistsManagement 
📸 Robert Workman
🎭✨ Opéra de Monte-Carlo presents a new production by Davide Livermore of "Das Rheingold", featuring Wilhelm Schwinghammer as Fafner and Michael Laurenz as Mime! The opening night is today, February 19, with additional performances on February 21, 23, and 25, 2025.
Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Michael-Laurenz/ 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/WilhelmSchwinghammer/ 
#OperaDeMonteCarlo #Wagner #DasRheingold #DavideLivermore #WilhelmSchwinghammer #MichaelLaurenz #HilbertArtistManagement #Opera #ClassicalMusic #MonteCarlo #Theatre #OperaLovers #NewProduction #MusicManagement #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Cordula Groth (Laurenz), Bertold Farbricius (Schwinghammer)
🎉 We are delighted to welcome Michael Laurenz to our roster for General Management! 
🎭🎶 Michael Laurenz opened the 2024/25 season as Spalanzani in Les contes d’Hoffmann at the Salzburger Festspiele, conducted by Marc Minkowski.  He followed this with concert performances as Mime in Das Rheingold and Siegfried with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra under Fabio Luisi. 
At the Wiener Staatsoper, he appeared as Bernardo Novagerio in Pfitzner’s Palestrina, conducted by Christian Thielemann, and as Monostatos in Die Zauberflöte at the Bayerische Staatsoper. In 2025, he performed as Graf Villalobos Rodriguez in Das Spitzentuch der Königin at the Theater an der Wien and will return to the Wiener Staatsoper for Arabella and Das Rheingold, and to Theater Basel for the revival of Das Rheingold. 
✨ More info about the artist: www.hilbert.de/en/Michael-Laurenz/ 
We are looking forward to our collaboration, dear Michael! 🤝
#Welcome #MichaelLaurenz #ArtistManagement #MichaelLaurenz #Opera #ClassicalMusic #WienerStaatsoper #DallasSymphony #TheaterBasel #MusicLife #OperaSinger #NewSeason #GeneralManagement #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Cordula Groth
🎭 The Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona presents Romeo Castellucci's staged interpretation of Mozart's Requiem in D-minor, with Marina Viotti performing the mezzo-soprano part. 🎶✨ The opening night is today, February 18, with performances running through February 26, 2025.
Toi Toi Toi! 🍀
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Marina-Viotti/ 
@marinaviottimezzo @liceu_opera_barcelona 
#GranTeatreDelLiceu #RomeoCastellucci #Mozart #Requiem #MarinaViotti #Barcelona #Opera #ClassicalMusic #Theatre #OperaLovers #CulturalEvent #LivePerformance #MusicLovers #OperaHouse #MozartRequiem #ArtsAndCulture #SpanishOpera #PerformanceArt #OperaProduction #RequiemInDminor #LiceuBarcelona 
📸 Aline Fournier
🎭✨ Attilio Glaser will celebrate his role debut as Erik, alongside Gabriela Scherer as Senta, in Christian Spuck's production of "Der fliegende Holländer" at the Deutsche Oper Berlin! 🎶
The performances on February 16, 20, and 25, 2025, are not to be missed! Toi Toi Toi! 🌟 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Attilio-Glaser/ 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Gabriela-Scherer/ 
@gabrielascherersopran @attilioglaser @deutscheoperberlin 
#DerFliegendeHolländer #AttilioGlaser #GabrielaScherer #DeutscheOperBerlin #OperaMagic #ChristianSpuck #ToiToiToi #RoleDebut #OperaPerformance #ClassicalMusic #OperaLovers #BerlinEvents 
📸 Tim Weiler (Scherer), Simon Pauly (Glaser)
🎭✨ Legendary bass-baritone Albert Dohmen takes on the role of Kaspar in Axel Köhler's production of "Der Freischütz" at the Semperoper Dresden! 
🎶 Performances are on February 15, 19, 21, and 28, 2025. 🌟  Toi Toi Toi, dear Albert! 
#DerFreischütz #Weber #AlbertDohmen #SemperoperDresden #BassBaritone #AxelKöhler #ToiToiToi #Dresden #OperaPerformance #OperaMagic #ClassicalMusic #OperaLovers #DresdenEvents #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Renato Zacchia
🎭✨ The legendary Otto Schenk's production of "Fidelio" by Beethoven is back on the stage of Wiener Staatsoper! 🎶  Simone Schneider will embody the role of Leonore, and Tomasz Konieczny takes on the role of Don Pizarro (February 13 & 16)! 🔥 
Performances are on February 13, 16, 20 and 23, 2025. Toi Toi Toi to all involved! 🌟 
#Fidelio #Beethoven #WienerStaatsoper #SimoneSchneider #TomaszKonieczny #OttoSchenk #OperaMagic #AxelKober #ToiToiToi #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #OperaPerformance #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Matthias Baus (Schneider), Karpati & Zarewicz (Konieczny)
✨ Johanni van Oostrum will star as Senta in a new production of "Der fliegende Holländer" with the Trondheim Symfoniorkester & Opera! 🎭🎶
🔜 The opening night takes place tomorrow, February 13, followed by additional performances on February 15, 17, and 19 in Trondheim, as well as on March 1, 4, and 6, 2025 in Kristiansand 👏
Toi Toi Toi, dear Johanni! 🌟
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Johanni-van-Oostrum/ 
@johanni.van.oostrum @trondheimsymfoniogopera 
#DerFliegendeHolländer #JohanniVanOostrum #OperaMagic #TrondheimOpera #KristiansandOpera #ToiToiToi #OperaStar #Senta #NewProduction #Norway #TrondheimEvents #KristiansandEvents #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #OperaPerformance #CulturalEvents #Hilbert #hilbertartists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Klara Beck
🎭✨ Big congratulations to Manuela Uhl, who stepped in at the very last moment to take over the title role in tonight’s premiere of Die Liebe der Danae at the Bayerische Staatsoper, directed by Claus Guth and conducted by Sebastian Weigle! 🎶 
#ManuelaUhl #DieLiebeDerDanae #Strauss #BayerischeStaatsoper #ClausGuth #SebastianWeigle #Opera #Premiere #ClassicalMusic #BreakALeg #jumpin #OperaLovers #ToiToiToi  #Hilbert #HilbertArtists #HilbertArtistsManagament
🎶✨ Lorenzo Viotti will conduct the Orchestra e Coro dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in an exciting program, presenting a stunning triptych of works inspired by the season:
• Schumann’s Symphony No. 1 „Spring“
• Debussy’s Printemps
• Zemlinsky’s Frühlingsbegräbnis, with Oleksandr Pushniak performing the baritone part
🎶 Don’t miss the concerts on February 6, 7, and 8, 2025 at the Santa Cecilia Hall in Rome! 
Toi Toi Toi! 🎉 
@lorenzoviotti @oleksandr_pushniak @accademiadisantacecilia 
#LorenzoViotti #Zemlinsky #Schumann #Debussy #SpringConcert #ClassicalMusic #AccademiaNazionalediSantaCecilia #OleksandrPushniak #Symphony #RomeConcert #OperaLovers #ToiToiToi #Hilbert #Hilbertartists #HilbertArtistsManagament 
📸 Jan Willem Kaldenbach (Viotti), Andreas Schlager (Pushniak)
🎭✨ Teatro alla Scala continues its „Der Ring des Nibelungen“ cycle by Richard Wagner, directed by David McVicar, with the premiere of „Die Walküre“ on February 5, featuring a great cast:
🌟 Camilla Nylund as Brünnhilde
🌟 Okka von der Damerau as Fricka
🌟 Olga Bezsmertna as Ortlinde
🌟 Klaus Florian Vogt as Siegmund
🌟 Michael Volle as Wotan
🎶 The performances will be conducted by Simone Young (Feb 5, 9, and 12) and Alexander Soddy (Feb 15, 20, and 23).
Toi Toi Toi! 🎉
@camilla.nylund.saris @okkavdd @michaelvolleofficial @klaus_florian_vogt #OlgaBezsmertna #KlausFlorianVogt @teatroallascala #DieWalküre #TeatroallaScala #Wagner #Opera #RingCycle #DavidMcVicar #CamillaNylund #OkkaVonDerDamerau #MichaelVolle #SimoneYoung #AlexanderSoddy #Brünnhilde #Milano #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #ToiToiToi #ItalianOpera #MusicFestival #OperaPerformance #CulturalEvent #OperaHouse #Wagnerian #WorldClassTalent #LiveMusic #OperaticArt #OperaPremiere #EuropeanOpera
📸 Shirley Suarez (Nylund), Simon Pauly (von der Damerau), Svitlana Buder (Bezsmertna), Harald Hoffmann (Vogt), GiselaSchenker (Volle)
✨ We are delighted to welcome Alexandre Duhamel to our roster for general management!
Renowned for his commanding stage presence and rich, expressive baritone, Alexandre Duhamel continues to captivate audiences in leading roles across the most prestigious opera houses, such as Opéra national de Paris, Teatro alla Scala, Grand Théâtre de Genève, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Festival d’Aix en Provence, New National Theatre Tokyo and many others. 
🔜 His next upcoming highlight will be the role of Ramiro in Maurice Ravel’s L’heure espagnole in a concert version at Deutsche Oper Berlin under the baton of Maxime Pascal on February 10, followed by singing Gunther in Ernest Reyer’s opera Sigurd at Opéra de Marseille.
⭐️ We look forward to this exciting new collaboration and to supporting Alexandre Duhamel in his upcoming projects! Stay tuned for more updates. 🎶✨
👏 Welcome to the team, @alexandreduhamelbaritone !
ℹ️ www.hilbert.de/en/Alexandre-Duhamel/ 
#AlexandreDuhamel #Opera #NewRepresentation #ExcitingSeason #OperaticExcellence #Announcement #Baritone #ClassicalMusic #OperaSinger #DeutscheOperBerlin #OpéraDeMarseille #Ramiro #Sigurd #MusicInnovation #CulturalCollaboration #FutureProjects #OperaLovers #hilbert #hilbertartists #hilbertartistsmanagement 
📸 Raphaël Lugassy
🎭✨ La Monnaie - De Munt presents Pierre Audi’s new production of Richard Wagner’s Götterdämmerung, under the baton of Alain Altinoglu🌟 Bryan Register makes his role debut as Siegfried, Anett Fritsch debuts as Gutrune, Tamara Banješević can be seen as Woglinde, and Christel Loetzch as Flosshilde!
🎶 The opening night is on February 4, with performances running until March 2, 2025. Don’t miss this monumental production!
Toi toi toi! 🎉
@bryanregistertenor @anett.fritsch @tamarabanjesevic @christelloetzsch_mezzo @lamonnaie.demunt 
#Götterdämmerung #LaMonnaieDeMunt #Wagner #Opera #Siegfried #NewProduction #PierreAudi #BryanRegister #AnettFritsch #TamaraBanješević #ChristelLoetzch #AlainAltinoglu #ToiToiToi #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #Wagnerian #RoleDebut #MusicTheatre #EuropeanOpera #BrusselsOpera #EpicPerformance #CulturalEvent #OperaLife #MustSee #hilbert #hilbertartists 
📸 Dasha Buben (Banješević), Katerina Kepka (Fritsch), Guido Werner (Loetzsch), Dario Acosta (Register), Erwin Olaf (Audi), Monika Rittershaus (background photo)
🏆 From the Olympic Games to GRAMMY glory! “Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)” just made history - metal meets opera; Marina Viotti, Gojira and Victor Le Masne were awarded with the most prestigious music award worldwide, in the category “Best Metal Performance”!
What a journey! 🇫🇷🎸🎤 🎶🏆🔥
Watch the acceptance speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwKRfZvyflw
Watch the Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hTMYk7orHw
#GRAMMYs2025 #MeaCulpa #BestMetalPerformance #MetalMeetsOpera #Gojira #MarinaViotti #VictorLeMasne #MusicHistory #GrammyWinner #RockAndOpera #Metal #OperaRock #AwardWinningArtists #GlobalMusic #GrammyVictory #Metal #GrammyChampion
📸 Aline Fournier (Marina), Courtesy of the Recording Academy®️ / Getty Images ©️ (Group photo)
🎭✨ AJ Glueckert will perform as Heurtal in a new production of Albéric Magnard's "Guercœur", directed by David Hermann! Opening night is February 2, 2025, with performances running through March 8. 
A captivating opera you won’t want to miss! 🎶 #ToiToiToi to AJ and the whole team! 🌟 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/AJ-Glueckert/ 
@ajglueckert @oper_frankfurt 
#Opera #Guercœur #AJGlueckert #Magnard #OpeningNight #DavidHermann #OperaWorld #ClassicalMusic #OperaLovers #Baritone #OperaSinger #NewProduction #StagePerformance #TheaterLife #MusicLovers #OperaHouse #FrenchOpera #OperaPerformance #TheaterCommunity #OperaLife 
📸 Barbara Aumueller
🎭 Brian Mulligan makes his role debut as Alberich in Calixto Bieito's highly anticipated new production of Wagner's »Das Rheingold«, conducted by Pablo Heras-Casado, at the Opéra national de Paris! 🎶
📅 Premiere: January 29, 2025; performances run through February 19, 2025.
Wishing Brian a fantastic opening - Toi Toi Toi! 🌟👏
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Brian-Mulligan/ 
@brianthebaritone @operadeparis 
#DasRheingold #Wagner #BrianMulligan #CalixtoBieito #PabloHerasCasado #OpéranationaldeParis #OperadeParis #Opera #ClassicalMusic #Music #OperaSinger #Operatic #TheRingCycle #RichardWagner #LivePerformance #Operalover #StageDebut #OperaHouse #VocalPerformance #OperaProduction #MusicalTheatre #CulturalEvent 
📸 Dario Acosta
🎭✨ Tonight, Lauri Vasar returns to the Staatsoper Unter den Linden as Orest in Patrice Chéreau's acclaimed production of Richard Strauss' »Elektra«!
📅 Performances run from January 26 to February 14, 2025 🌟 Toi Toi Toi, dear Lauri!
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Lauri-Vasar/ @l_vasar1987@staatsoperberlin 
#Elektra #RichardStrauss #StaatsoperUnterDenLinden #PatriceChéreau #LauriVasar #Opera #ClassicalMusic #OperaLife #OperaticExcellence #WorldClassOpera #OperaLovers #LivePerformance #OperaProduction #toitoitoi 
📸 Kaupo Kikkas
🎭✨ Ludovic Tézier takes on the role of Renato in »Un ballo in maschera« by Giuseppe Verdi, in Johannes Erath's production at the Bayerische Staatsoper!
📅 Don’t miss the performances on January 26, 29, February 1, 5 & 8, 2025
In bocca al lupo, dear Ludovic! 🌟 
@ludovictezier @bayerischestaatsoper 
#LudovicTézier #UnBalloInMaschera #GiuseppeVerdi #Opera #BayerischeStaatsoper #OperaStar #Renato #VerdiOpera #OperaLife #OperaLovers #ClassicalMusic #LivePerformance #WorldClassOpera #Operatic #JohannesErath #InBoccaAlLupo
📸 Gregor Hohenberg- Sony Classical
🎭✨ Staatsoper Hamburg presents Dmitri Tcherniakov's new production of »Ariadne auf Naxos« by Richard Strauss, under the musical direction of Maestro Kent Nagano, featuring Martin Gantner in the role of the Music Master!
📅 Don’t miss the premiere on January 26, 2025, with performances running through February 16, 2025.
🌟 Toi Toi Toi to Martin and the entire team!
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Martin-Gantner/ 
@martin_gantner @staatsoperhamburg 
#AriadneAufNaxos #RichardStrauss #StaatsoperHamburg #DmitriTcherniakov #KentNagano #Opera #ClassicalMusic #MartinGantner #OperaLife #OperaProduction #LivePerformance #OperaticExcellence #WorldClassOpera #OperaLovers #ToiToiToi 
📸 Tom Jasny
🎭✨ The Deutsche Oper Berlin  presents the highly anticipated new production of Richard Strauss’s »Die Frau ohne Schatten«, directed by Tobias Kratzer, featuring Daniela Köhler as Die Kaiserin and Catherine Foster as Die Färberin! 
🌟 The premiere will take place on January 26, with performances running until February 11, 2025. 
This is a production not to be missed! 🎶  Toi Toi Toi to the whole team!
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Daniela-Koehler/ 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Catherine-Foster/ 
@daniela.koehler.soprano @catherineannfoster @deutscheoperberlin 
#Opera #DieFrauOhneSchatten #DeutscheOperBerlin #RichardStrauss #DanielaKöhler #CatherineFoster #TobiasKratzer #OperaPremiere #OperaSeason #ClassicalMusic #BerlinEvents #Theatre #LivePerformance #OperaLovers #CulturalEvents #OnStage #OperaProduction #MusicInTheatre #PerformingArts #OperaFans #StraussOpera 
📸 Admill Kuyler (Köhler), Uwe Arens (Foster)
🎭✨ Michèle Losier will make her role debut as Mère Marie in Robert Carsen's acclaimed production of »Dialogues des Carmélites« at the Les Arts, València! 🌟
The opening night is on January 23, with performances running until February 2, 2025. Don’t miss this exceptional production! 🎶
🍀 Toi Toi Toi to Michèle and the entire team! 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Michele-Losier/ 
#Opera #DialoguesDesCarmélites #MichèleLosier #PalauDeLesArts #Valencia #ToiToiToi #Poulenc #MèreMarie #RoleDebut #RobertCarsen #FrenchOpera #Carmélites #OperaLovers #LivePerformance #OperaDebut #CulturalEvents #ClassicalMusic #Theatre #OperaHouse #ValenciaEvents #StagePerformance #MusicInTheatre #OperaSeason #OperaProduction #OnStage #PerformingArts #OperaFans 
📸 Isabele Francaix
🎭 Matthew Newlin can be seen as Narraboth in Kornél Mundruczó's new production of Strauss' »Salome« at the Grand Théâtre de Genève! The premiere is on January 22, with performances running through February 2, 2025. 
Toi Toi Toi, dear Matthew! 🎶 
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Matthew-Newlin/ 
@matthewnewlin @grandtheatregeneve 
#Opera #Salome #RichardStrauss #GrandThéâtreDeGenève #MatthewNewlin #ClassicalMusic #LivePerformance #OperaProduction #Narraboth #StraussOpera #CulturalEvents #StagePerformance #OperaticDrama #GenevaOpera #MusicInGeneva #OperaLovers #TheatreLife #WorldOfOpera #GrandTheatre 
📸 Lucia Hunziker
✨ Opernhaus Zürich brings Andreas Homoki's production of Beethoven's »Fidelio« to the stage, featuring Eric Cutler as Florestan, with the performances running from January 21 to February 15, 2025! 
Toi Toi Toi, dear Eric!
ℹ www.hilbert.de/en/Eric-Cutler/ 
#Opera #Beethoven #Fidelio #OpernhausZürich #ClassicalMusic #LivePerformance #OperaLovers #MusicInspiration #EricCutler #AndreasHomoki #Operatic #StageMagic #OperaProduction #ZürichEvents #CulturalExperience #TimelessMusic #BeethovenOpera #OperaSeason #Florestan 
📸 Dario Acosta
🎭 Attilio Glaser with his role debut as Hoffmann in Lotte de Beer’s new production of »Les contes d’Hoffmann« at Opéra national du Rhin! 🎶 the premiere takes place on January 20, 2025 🌟 
@attilioglaser @operadurhin #AttilioGlaser #Opera #tenor #lescontesdhoffmann #jaquesoffenbach #ClassicalMusic #operanationaldurhin 
📸©️Simon Pauly