© Lena Paaske
© Lena Paaske

Magnus Vigilius

– World management –

Danish lyric-dramatic tenor Magnus Vigilius will open his 2024/25 season in the title role of Wagner´s Siegfried at La Monnaie in Brussels, in a new production directed by Pierre Audi and conducted by Alain Altinoglu. He will return to the role in the summer of 2025 for another new production, this time at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing. During the course of the season, he will also appear as Walther von Stolzing in no fewer than three productions of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. First, he will return to the Royal Danish Opera, where maestro Axel Kober will be leading the almost entirely Danish cast in the Laurent Pelly-coproduction with the Teatro Real in Madrid. For the March 2025 revival of the Wieler/Viebrock/Morabito production, the Deutsche Oper Berlin has invited him back for another production as Stolzing. Finally, he will perform the same role during the prestigious Budapest Wagner Days at the Müpa, this time with stage director Michael Schulz. He will also return to the Prague National Theater to sing Erik in Der fliegende Holländer.


In the 2023/2024 season, Magnus Vigilius gave exciting and successful house debuts at Deutsche Oper Berlin and at the Semperoper in Dresden. In Berlin he could be heard as Stolzing in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and in Dresden as Boris in Janáček’s Kát’a Kabanová in a production by Calixto Bieito.

Other highlights included Albert Gregor in Věc Makropulos under the baton of maestra Karina Canellakis for his first appearance at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Siegmund in Die Walküre during the Budapest Wagner Days at the Müpa and his role debut as Bacchus in Ariadne auf Naxos in Prague under the baton of Robert Jindra.


The season 2021/2022 offered no fewer than four Wagner-role-debuts: Walther von der Vogelweide in Tannhäuser at the Bayreuth Festival, Parsifal at the Rued Langgaard festival in Ribe,

Walther von Stolzing in a production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, which was part of the award-winning festival “Wagner 22” in Leipzig, and the title role in Siegfried at Den Ny Opera in Esbjerg-Ringen.


In 2019, Vigilius gave his celebrated role debut as Lohengrin at the National Opera in Prague; he sang the same role in the award-winning production at the Meiningen State Theater in 2022 and at Lübeck Theater in 2023.


In 2017, he had his breakthrough as a Wagner tenor in Denmark, when he sang Siegmund in Die

Walküre at Den Ny Opera in Esbjerg, a performance that secured him the prestigious

Reumert-prize as Singer of the Year and subsequent invitations to sing the same role at Kiel Opera and Leipzig Oper in Germany, Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, the National Opera in Helsinki, and the Oper House Zurich.


In 2014, after a decade of performing minor and leading roles in contemporary opera productions

in Scandinavia and England, Vigilius participated in the “Lauritz Melchior International Singing

Competition” in Aalborg, where he won 2nd prize, as well as the special prize awarded by the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra. This launched an international career in the dramatic German repertoire.

After a few years of intense vocal studies with Elena and Torsten Kerl, he made his Wagner-debut

as Erik in Der fliegende Holländer at Opera på Skäret in 2016.


In addition to the German repertoire, Magnus Vigilius also excels in Italian roles, including Cavaradossi in Tosca, which he has sung both at the Royal Opera in Stockholm and Malmö Opera, as well as in the

Czech repertoire, especially in operas by Leoš Janáček, with roles such as Števa (Jenůfa), Janik

(Zápisník Zmizelého) and both Tichon and Boris (Kát’a Kabanová), which he has performed with great success on stages all over Europe and most recently at the Semperoper Dresden in the spring of 2024.


Magnus Vigilius graduated with a major in vocal performance and drama from the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen.

September 2024 – For the most recent biography, please contact agentur@hilbert.de